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170625 CN (new)

S1 If you are going to have an interview with a famouspeople in your community,which of the following people will you choose?

1.businessman   2.professor   3.artist

Give detailed information to support your answer andexplain why.

170701 CN (new)

S2 Some people believe old people should not take riskand participate adventurous events as the young people. Do you agree? Why?

170702 CN (new)

S1 Which of the following creative activities do you feellike to get involved in?

1. Pottery making

2. Writing

3. Art creation

Choose one and explain why.

S2 Some people believe that we should not discuss aboutthe private activities of the popular people, like movie stars and singers. Doyou agree? Why?

170708 CN (new)

S1 Among the following jobs, which do you is mostinteresting one and why?

1. airplane pilot

2. actor

3. detective

170715CN(下午)CN (new)

S1 In order to protect the environment, nowadaysgovernments encourages people to use recycled bags, and charge for plasticbags. What are the benefits of doing so?

170527 CN (new)

S2 You have been very busy and unable to prepare for theexam tomorrow. You can either stay up late to study and sleep less or juststudy less and get full night’s sleep. Which will you choose?

170114 CN (new)

S2 Someone choose to work in a small company ororganization with a few workers. Others prefer to work in a large company ororganization with thousands of employees. Which do you think is better?

170218 CN (new)

S2 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?With the popularity of the technology that focuses on entertainment, peopleread fewer books than


170226 CN (new)

S2 Some students think that they are graded byparticipating in the discussion class, while othersthink that they are gradedonly by written work, such as paper. Which opinion would you prefer and giveyour reasons.


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